EggNog Votes American’s 8th Favorite Nog

EggNog Votes American’s 8th Favorite Nog

In a stunning turn of events, the highly prestigious Nog Institute of America has just released its annual Nog Rankings, and guess who cracked the top ten? That’s right, egg nog! In a surprising upset, egg nog has been voted America’s 8th favorite nog, beating out lesser-known contenders like almond nog and coconut nog.

The Nog Institute of America (NIA) is renowned for its exhaustive research on all things nog-related, and this year, they’ve left no nog-stone unturned. While many expected classic contenders like chocolate and vanilla nogs to dominate the rankings, egg nog managed to slide into the top ten like a smooth, creamy ninja.

Upon hearing the news, egg nog enthusiasts across the nation erupted in cheers, clinking their nog-filled glasses in celebration. “I always knew egg nog had that special something,” exclaimed Sarah Eggnoglover from Idaho. “It’s like the Beyoncé of nogs – a diva in its own right.”

The NIA conducted a rigorous survey to determine America’s favorite nogs, taking into account factors such as flavor, texture, and nogaliciousness. Egg nog impressed the nog-experts with its rich, velvety consistency and its ability to seamlessly blend with various festive spirits. “It’s the nog that just keeps on nogging,” said Dr. Nogologist, the lead researcher at the NIA. “Egg nog has that perfect balance of sweetness, spice, and holiday magic.”

Despite its newfound fame, egg nog remains a humble nog, not letting its 8th place status go to its frothy head. Rumor has it that egg nog even sent a congratulatory carton to its nemesis, pumpkin spice latte, which ranked 7th this year. Talk about a nog-class act!

The nog community is now eagerly awaiting egg nog’s next move. Will it take the crown as America’s favorite nog in the years to come, or will it gracefully settle into its 8th place throne, content to be the dark horse of holiday beverages? Only time will tell, but for now, let’s raise a glass to egg nog – the unexpected underdog of the nog world!

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