Kang the Conqueror Sentenced to Community Service: Attempts to Speed Clean with 400 Kangs Foiled by His Younger Self

Kang the Conqueror Sentenced to Community Service: Attempts to Speed Clean with 400 Kangs Foiled by His Younger Self

Kang the Conqueror, the notorious time-traveling villain, has been handed a cosmic-sized sentence of 400 hours of community service for his laundry list of misdeeds, including kidnapping Avengers, obliterating Washington D.C., destroying his own kingdom, and being generally unpleasant. The judge, presumably tired of Kang’s grandiose theatrics, decided that instead of ruling entire timelines, he would rule the highway cleanup crew.

Assigned to pick up garbage on highways, Kang initially seemed unfazed, even attempting to streamline the process with a creative solution. However, his ingenious plan was thwarted by none other than his younger self, proving that even a conqueror can’t escape the long arm of temporal justice.

The Sentencing:

After being found guilty on multiple charges, Kang was handed the community service sentence as a way to give him a taste of humility. The judge stated, “Maybe cleaning up other people’s messes will teach you a thing or two about consequences, Kang.”

The conqueror used to bending time and reality to his will, was left speechless at the thought of picking up after mere mortals.

The Failed Kang Clean-Up Extravaganza:

In a bold attempt to expedite his sentence, Kang decided to employ 400 alternate versions of himself to clean up the highway in record time. His logic? If one Kang could conquer time, surely 400 Kangs could conquer a pile of garbage in an hour.

However, his grand plan quickly unraveled when his younger self caught wind of the scheme. Iron Lad, not willing to let his future self escape punishment so easily, promptly reported the attempt at temporal shortcutting to the authorities.

The Kang Snitch:

In a hilarious twist, Kang’s younger self became an unexpected hero in this time-twisted tale. Sporting a rebellious streak, Young Kang apparently took issue with the elder Kang’s attempt to fast-track his way through community service.

“He may be my Dad, but I’ll be darned if I let him conquer the garbage collection process!” proclaimed Iron Lad shaking his fist at the time-stream.

The Aftermath:

As a result of his failed shortcut and thanks to the tattletale actions of his younger self, Kang the Conqueror is now faced with the full 400 hours of manual highway cleanup. Witnessing the time-traveling villain wrestle with a trash bag has become the latest spectacle on social media, with memes circulating faster than Kang can jump through temporal portals.

In the end, it appears that even the most formidable conqueror is no match for the timeless concept of community service – a lesson that Kang the Conqueror is learning one discarded soda can at a time. As the Avengers and citizens of various timelines share a chuckle at Kang’s expense, the conqueror himself contemplates the consequences of his actions, one highway mile at a time.

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