Harlong, Nebraska – A long-term lesbian relationship went up in flames this week when both parties reluctantly met for the first time. Matt “Hot_tongue1169” Phillips and Terrance “NE146D9” Mapps, both of Harlong, have been conducting an online relationship since October 1998. Seth Chambers, a friend of Phillips, explains. “Matt started impersonating female Hot_Tongue1169 in lesbian chat rooms over 5 years ago in an attempt to coax some lesbo talk. Within a year he met NE146D6 in a local lesbian chat room and started an online relationship that was some steamy sh*t.”
Phillips continued to communicate with NE146D9 online until their recent meeting. Both parties expressed hesitation in a face-to-face event but finally decided to meet at the Food Court of the Heavendale Mall. “He was so excited,” explained Chambers. “He knew that once she finally met the real Matt, she would still love him and accept the gender bender. He was convinced this was his ticket for some hot lesbian action.” After 15 minutes of searching for his online lover, he noticed another man holding flowers and a package from Spanktra-World. Both men waited out the hour before approaching each other.
Details of the meeting are sketchy. It seems there were some comments exchanged which ended abruptly upon Mapps vomiting on Phillips.
“I have to admit I find it so freaking funny,” says Chambers. “Tell me, how sick would you feel if you had performed cyber-sex with another man?”
Mapps has refused comment with Broken Newz. He is currently seeking therapy at a hidden camp outside of Colorado. Phillips reportedly has moved in with his parents and has broken off contact with the outside world.
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