RFK Jr. Hires Elite Street Hypnotists to Erase His Name from the Presidential Ballot


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has allegedly hired a crack team of street hypnotists to perform the ultimate act of political magic: making voters forget he ever ran for president.

Sources close to the RFK Jr. campaign (a guy named Steve with a trench coat and too much cologne) say that since Kennedy has been unsuccessful in trying to remove himself from several ballots, it’s come to this.

Enter The Enforcers of Amnesia, a group of self-proclaimed “hypnotic artisans” who normally perform at birthday parties, Renaissance fairs, and sketchy magic conventions. But now, they have a new mission: stand on street corners in swing states and whisper soft incantations to passerby like, “You never saw his name on the ballot… You feel the urge to vote for someone with more vowels in their name… Also, maybe go vegan?”

“I was just walking my dog when this guy with a top hat told me to look into his pocket watch,” said one confused voter in Ohio. “Next thing I know, I’m not sure if I’m voting for president or taking a nap.”

The plan, while odd, seems to be working in unexpected ways. Polls show a sharp increase in voters scratching their heads at voting booths and muttering, “Wait, who’s running again? I thought we were still debating if Ross Perot was coming back.”

Some have criticized the move as undemocratic, while others find it oddly refreshing. “Honestly, I’d rather forget most of these candidates anyway,” said one voter in Florida. “If someone’s gonna wave a shiny object in front of my face and tell me to forget the election ever happened, I might just consider it a favor.”

When reached for comment, the RFK Jr. campaign denied any involvement with hypnotism. “We would never stoop to such tactics,” said a spokesperson while conspicuously fiddling with a deck of playing cards and murmuring something about ‘deep sleep.’ “But if anyone did forget about RFK Jr.’s campaign, well… that’s probably for the best.”

As election day approaches, reports of citizens gazing blankly into mirrors and mumbling “RFK… RF-what?” are spreading. Meanwhile, the nation’s top street hypnotists have never been busier. Coincidence? Hypnotists everywhere hope you won’t remember to find out.

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