Trump Claims He Is Immuned To The Laws Of Physics

Trump Claims He Is Immuned To The Laws Of Physics

Former President Donald Trump has declared that he has transcended the laws of physics and is now officially immune to the constraints of the physical world. In a press conference that left journalists scratching their heads, Trump confidently announced, “I am no longer bound by the laws of physics. I’m like a superhero, folks. Call me ‘The Invisible Executive’!”

Trump explained that he can now make himself invisible at will. “It’s tremendous, the best superpower. I’ve always said, I have the best superpowers, nobody else has superpowers like mine,” he declared while doing an impressive disappearing act behind a large podium.

Republicans were quick to respond “We’ve always suspected he’s been living in a different reality. Now, it seems, he’s created his own parallel universe where he’s the invisible master leader.” Meanwhile, many Democrats shared their disbelief, muttering something about the laws of thermodynamics.

House Leader Mike Johnson, a staunch Trump supporter, argued that the only way to settle the matter was through a formal House vote. “If he’s truly invisible, then we need to see it for ourselves. It’s the only way to uphold the principles of transparency and accountability in our great democracy,” Johnson asserted, holding a magnifying glass up to emphasize his point.

Meanwhile, Trump continued to bask in the glory of his supposed superpower, taking to social media to boast about his invisibility and taunt his political rivals. “Sleepy Joe can’t even see me now! It’s like I never left. #InvisibleExecutive #SuperTrump,” he tweeted.

As the nation awaits the outcome of the House vote, political analysts are left pondering whether this is the next evolution of Trump’s political career or just another episode in the surreal sitcom that is American politics. One thing is for certain – the laws of physics may be uncertain, but the laws of political theater remain as entertaining as ever.

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