Trump Criticizes Tim Walz for Not Wearing Makeup: ‘How Can You Run a Country Without a Good Foundation?’

Trump Criticizes Tim Walz for Not Wearing Makeup: ‘How Can You Run a Country Without a Good Foundation?’

Former President Donald Trump took aim at Minnesota Governor Tim Walz for what he described as a “glaring lack of commitment to presidential aesthetics.”

“Look at Tim Walz. Have you ever seen a more unprepared candidate?” Trump said, gesturing to a blown-up image of Walz’s makeup-free face. “No foundation, no eyeliner, not even a touch of concealer. How does he expect to lead a nation when he can’t even lead a makeup brush to his face?”

Trump, who is rumored to spend between three and four hours each morning applying his signature industrial-strength orange foundation, didn’t stop there. “A good president needs to look their best—everyone knows that! Kamala Harris, she’s got that makeup down. JD Vance? I hear he’s using eyeliner now, very smart move. But Walz? He wakes up, splashes some water on his face, and thinks he’s ready to make the world better. Sad!”

The former president went on to praise his own dedication to daily preparation. “I’ve always said it takes time to achieve greatness. That’s why I spend hours every day getting my look just right. It’s not just about being president, it’s about looking presidential. The American people deserve someone who’s willing to put in the time.”

Walz, who has built his campaign around competence and results rather than cosmetics, could not be reached for comment. Insiders, however, suggest he was likely too busy, you know, working on actual policies and engaging with constituents.

When asked if he thought Walz might reconsider his stance on makeup, Trump was doubtful. “I don’t think he gets it. He probably thinks he can just roll out of bed and start fixing things. But that’s not how it works, folks. A great leader needs a great look, and that takes effort. I’ve got the best effort, believe me.”

As the 2024 election looms, it’s clear that for Trump, the path to the Oval Office isn’t just paved with policies—it’s also lined with lip gloss and contour kits.

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