In an unexpected turn of events, former President Donald Trump recently expressed concerns that President Joe Biden might outshine him in the impeachment arena. Trump, who once considered impeachment his own version of a reality TV show, now frets that Biden could steal the limelight with even more impeachments.
“I had the best impeachments, folks, the best. Nobody does impeachments like me. They were tremendous, really tremendous,” Trump declared in a recent press conference. “But now, Sleepy Joe wants to take the stage, and I hear he’s got some big plans. Not on my watch!”
Trump went on to reminisce about the glory days of his impeachments, claiming they were the “biggest and classiest” impeachments in history. “I have photos, folks, beautiful photos showing that both of my impeachments were the largest ever. No one drew more attention to impeachment than I did. It was like a ratings bonanza.”
The former president, known for his love of superlatives, insisted that Biden’s potential impeachments would pale in comparison. “I had not one but two, count ’em, two impeachments. And they were both tremendous successes. I mean, who else can say that?”
In response to Trump’s concerns, Biden’s press secretary simply chuckled and stated, “President Biden is focused on running the country, not on scoring ratings for his impeachments.”
Only time will tell if Biden will follow in Trump’s footsteps or carve out his own unique presidential legacy. In the meantime, Trump seems determined to keep his impeachment record the stuff of political legend, one superlative at a time.
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