Hot new Christmas song released by “Teddy Bear” hit maker Red Sovine

Hot new Christmas song released by “Teddy Bear” hit maker Red Sovine

From the archives: 1978

It hardly seems possible that two years have passed since the world was blessed with the number one country hit “Teddy Bear,” by Red Sovine. An instant classic, Sovine’s tale of a young crippled boy talking to a random trucker on a CB about his dead father and the hardships his mother faces raising a small boy in a southern town brilliantly combined devastatingly sad tear-jerker storytelling with the complete lack of musical talent or singing ability. 

The world fell in love with the little boy, nicknamed “Teddy Bear,” and the random trucker that made his day. Since then music fans the world over have anxiously awaited the release of a comparable song. Many musicians have tried to match the musical formula of Teddy Bear,  including Red himself, but none have succeeded. 

Until now. Just in time for the Christmas season, there’s a new hit that promises to make you weep in sorrow on Christmas morning. 

Released last week on Starday Records, Sovine has hit gold with his first Christmas album, “Christmas with Red Sovine.” 

“Praise be, Christmas is saved,” comments Starday founder Harold “Pappy” Daily. “I’m tired of all this happy-go-lucky holiday music, I prayed for more music to make us all weep as we gather around the tree with friends and family – and boy howdy, Sovine made that dream come true.

While the album is literally packed with songs sure to top the holiday charts worldwide, no other song captures the Sovine magic we all felt with “Teddy Bear” like “Billy’s Christmas Wish.”

 “Billy’s Christmas Wish” follows the tale of Billy, a shoeless, coatless homeless boy whose father is in jail for shooting his mom’s alcoholic boyfriend.  Billy has run away, he’s sleeping in cars, and has just one simple wish. To not spoil the story, I’ll stop the description there and encourage you to pick up the record to hear the rest of Billy’s story. 

“When you buy this record, because I know you will, everyone will, make sure to also pick up a box or two of Kleenex,” said Sovine fan Bing Crosby. “I know now my songs are popular, but none of them touch the raw emotion  Sovine delivers. This is Christmas magic.”

As you make your list, and check it twice, make sure every music lover gets a copy of Red Sovine’s cleverly titled “Christmas with Red Sovine.” You will not be sorry, well, unless you actually want to feel happy this holiday season.

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