Trump Asks If Colorado is One Of The States He Can Find On The Map

Trump Asks If Colorado is One Of The States He Can Find On The Map

Former President Donald Trump found himself in the crosshairs of Colorado’s Supreme Court after learning that he had been disqualified from the state’s presidential primary ballot. The reason? Well, it turns out that even the mastermind behind the “You’re Fired!” catchphrase can’t always navigate the intricate terrain of the United States map.

Fresh off the news of his disqualification, Trump was seen furrowing his brow and scratching his head, wondering aloud if Colorado was one of the elusive 13 states he could confidently point out on a map. As reporters gathered around, cameras at the ready, the former Commander-in-Chief reportedly muttered, “Is it the one with the mountains or the one with the mile-high what-now?”

Trump confidently asserted that he could identify states such as New York, Florida, Northern Florida, California, Joe Mantegna, Texas(ish), the square one, and “one of the Washingtons”.

Undeterred by the news of his disqualification, Trump immediately convened a meeting with his legal team, hoping to find a sharpie solution to his cartographic crisis. Ever the innovator, he suggested, “Can we just draw over Colorado with a sharpie and call it ‘New Trumpian’ or maybe ‘Not-Colorado’? Problem solved!”

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